Is It Safe To Eat Peanut-Based Foods When Pregnant

Eating nuts or nuts-based foods, such as jam, may be a snack choice during pregnancy. However, is it safe for pregnant women to consume nuts or nut-based foods? Actually nuts have many benefits, namely controlling blood sugar levels, controlling body weight, preventing cancer, and maintaining heart health. Nuts are also rich in vitamins, such as vitamin B9, vitamin K1, protein, potassium, and iron.

Considering Peanut Safety in Pregnant Women

Basically, pregnant women may consume nuts and nut-based foods. This is because nuts can have a positive impact on the health of pregnant women. One of them is to reduce the risk of babies born later suffering from peanut allergies. However, pregnant women who have allergies to peanuts should not consume it, because it will trigger allergic symptoms, such as nausea, itchy mouth, swollen tongue, stomach cramps, and shortness of breath. If you do not know whether you have a peanut allergy or not, Bumil should first do an allergy test at the doctor. In addition, pregnant women who have a family history of allergies, such as asthma, eczema, or allergic rhinitis, should also not eat foods made from nuts, yes.

Various Benefits of Peanut-Based Foods

Nuts contain antioxidants, folic acid, fats, and proteins that are needed during pregnancy. The various benefits of eating beans and nuts-based foods are:
  • Reducing the risk of babies having neural tube defects
  • Reducing the risk of miscarriage
  • Reducing the risk of premature birth
  • Maintaining the health of the digestive system of pregnant women
Despite having a variety of benefits, make sure pregnant women do not consume excessive amounts of nuts. The reason, nuts also contain high fat and calories. If you want to eat nuts, pregnant women can work around this by processing beans without the addition of sugar or salt, or by boiling them to remain a healthy snack. If pregnant women are still in doubt or have certain health conditions, it never hurts to consult a doctor before eating nuts and nut-based foods.
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