Mother, C'mon, Recognize Diseases That Can Be Transmitted Through Breast Milk

Breast milk is known as one of the main food choices in babies. However, there are several diseases that can be transmitted through breast milk. Come on, recognize what diseases can be transmitted through breast milk, so breastfeeding mothers can prevent transmission to the Little One. Providing breast milk for children aged 2 years can provide many benefits for their health. Besides having complete nutritional content, breast milk is also more practical and can strengthen the bond between mother and child.

Diseases that can be transmitted through breast milk

Breast milk is supplied with milk by the body of the mother, so that some diseases experienced by nursing mothers can also be transmitted through breast milk. In addition, the process of breastfeeding which involves closeness and direct contact between mother and baby can also facilitate transmission of the disease to the baby. Diseases that can be transmitted during breastfeeding include:

1. Tuberculosis (TB)

Fluids Breast milk does not transmit tuberculosis (TB), but this disease is easily transmitted through fluids from the respiratory tract (droplets) that spread when people sneeze or cough. Therefore, breastfeeding mothers who suffer from active tuberculosis (infectious mother's milk) are advised not to breastfeed directly and continue to use masks when in close contact with their babies. If a nursing mother suffers from active tuberculosis, then the baby needs to get breast milk. Nursing mothers who suffer from tuberculosis are only allowed to breastfeed directly, if they have undergone tuberculosis treatment for at least 2 weeks and the condition has been declared to be non-infectious or has no potential to transmit again.

2. Hepatitis (A, B, C, E)

Transmission of hepatitis A and E during the breastfeeding process is considered very rare, so Busui need not worry too much. Nursing mothers who suffer from hepatitis B and C are also able to give milk to their babies. However, hepatitis B and C can be transmitted through blood. If a nursing mother suffering from hepatitis B or C has an injury to her breasts, the process of breastfeeding should be stopped temporarily until the wound heals. In addition, babies born to mothers infected with hepatitis B must get the full hepatitis B breast milk vaccine for 1 year.

3. Herpes simplex

When nursing mothers experience herpes simplex, direct breastfeeding can be done as long as there is no herpes rash on the breast. But if there is a rash, the breastfeeding process should be stopped temporarily, both directly and through breast milk. This is because babies who are in contact with the rash or consume breast milk from the affected breast have a high risk of contracting this infection.

4. Chicken pox

Nursing mothers who experience chickenpox 5 days before giving birth or 2 days after it is advised to avoid direct contact with the baby. This infectious phase will take place 2 days before the appearance of the rash until the rash is completely dry. Although no direct contact is allowed to avoid transmission, giving breast milk is allowed. After the smallpox rash is dry, Busui may breastfeed Little One again.

5. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

MAUNG MILK MILK-MI MIUNG MILK types of sexually transmitted infections have different routes of transmission, including through breast milk. In nursing mothers who suffer from HIV, it is not recommended to breastfeed at all because transmission of the HIV virus can occur through breast milk. In nursing mothers who suffer from trichomonius Ibus milk water, it is recommended to take medication first before breastfeeding her baby. While mothers who suffer from chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HPV infections are not prohibited from breastfeeding their children. Other conditions that can delay breastfeeding babies are breastfeeding mothers who use drugs, suffer from type I or II HTLV (human T-cell lumphotrophic virus) infections, or are suspected of being infected with the Ebola virus. While breastfeeding mothers who are suffering from DHF or mastitis, as well as breastfeeding mothers who have or are suffering from breast cancer, it is advisable to consult first breast milk with a doctor before giving exclusive breast milk. Although breast milk has benefits for both mother and baby, Busui still needs to pay attention to some of the conditions described above before giving breast milk to your child. If Busui has certain health conditions, do not hesitate to consult breast milk with a doctor so that breastfeeding is safe.
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