This is a safe way to deal with head lice during pregnancy

Head lice can irritate anyone, including pregnant women (pregnant women). It's just, pregnant women need to be more careful when trying to overcome them. Because, there are some drugs that are not safe for pregnant women, you know! Come on, know the safe way to deal with head lice during pregnancy. Head lice are indeed more common in children. Even so, pregnant women can also experience it. This condition can be recognized by itching on the head, to the appearance of running lice or nits on the scalp. This condition is easily transmitted through direct contact with lice sufferers' hair, or through sharing with objects attached to the head, such as combs, hair accessories, hats, pillows, and towels, with head lice sufferers.

How to Overcome Head Lice during Pregnancy Naturally

Now, to deal with head lice safely, here are some natural ways that pregnant women can do:

1. Comb your hair with a serit comb

First, pregnant women can try to overcome head lice using a tight-toothed comb or so-called serit comb. Use this comb on hair that is still wet, for example after shampooing or after using a moisturizer (conditioner). Next, comb your hair thoroughly, from the scalp to the ends of the hair. Do a thorough brushing at least 2 times so that fleas are caught on the serit comb. This sweeping session should be done 3 times a week for 2 weeks, or until Bumil no longer finds lice on the scalp. Do not forget to always wash the comb serit thoroughly after using it, yes.

2. Utilizing essential oils and natural ingredients

Essential oils, such as tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil, can be used to treat head lice during pregnancy. Even so, before pregnant women use essential oils, you should do an allergy test first. The trick, apply a little oil on the back of the hand for a few moments and wait for allergic reactions, such as redness or itching. If an allergic reaction does not appear, pregnant women can use essential oils in the following ways:
  • Mix 15-20 drops of essential oil with 30 ml of olive oil, and mix well.
  • Apply the oil mixture to the entire scalp and hair, then let stand for 12 hours.
  • Pregnant women can use a hair cap (shower cap) if you want to sleep.
  • Comb hair, then shampoo until clean.
In addition to essential oils, butter and almond oil can also be used in the same way. But keep in mind, these ingredients only weaken lice so that they are more easily detached from the hair. Therefore, the combing step with a serit comb still needs to be done even though you have used essential oils.

3. Clean all personal items and home furnishings

This method needs to be done to minimize the risk of transmission, both from other people to pregnant women or vice versa. Pregnant women are advised to clean all furniture and clean all objects that come in contact with hair, ranging from combs, pillowcases, sheets, towels, dolls, clothes, to helmets.

Drug Choices for Overcoming Head Lice in Pregnant Women

If these natural methods do not work, pregnant women can use the drugs below. Even so, the drug is only used when pregnant women or people around Bumil do see any ticks or lice eggs on the scalp or hair of pregnant women.

Over-the-counter medicines

There are various lotions and sprays to treat head lice that are sold freely without a prescription. Products containing permethrin, dimethicone, and menthol are still considered safe for use by pregnant women, as long as the benefits are considered greater than the risks. Make it a habit to read carefully the information on the product packaging. Check whether there are certain conditions that are not recommended for using the product, and whether pregnancy is included. If there is no information whatsoever on the package, then you should consult a doctor first. Furthermore, pregnant women need to use topical medication in accordance with the instructions for use on the packaging so that the results are effective and do not cause side effects.

Medication prescribed by a doctor

Pregnant women need to consult with a doctor if you want to use medication for head lice during pregnancy. Because, there are some drugs or products that are dangerous for pregnant women, if they contain lindane or ivermectin. Both of these substances are considered to cause fetal disability. Head lice are generally not a dangerous condition, but if left unchecked, can trigger infections due to scratching the scalp. In addition, Bumil also risks transmitting it to other family members who live in the same house. So, don't underestimate head lice. If necessary, pregnant women can consult a doctor about the prevention and treatment of head lice in pregnant women, as well as how to use a safe head lice medicine.
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