Try Doing The Movement to Shrink These Hips

There are several movements to shrink the hips you can do to get small and slim hips. Well, what are the movements? Check out the explanation through the following description. Piles of fat on your hips or buttocks may reduce your confidence. Especially if you want to wear tight clothes or pants. To reduce this pile of fat, you can do various exercises aimed at reducing lower body fat.

Range of Movement to Shrink the Hips

To shrink the hips, you can try doing the following movements and exercises:

1. Squat

Squat is one of the movements used to train and tighten the hip muscles, buttocks, thighs, and calves. The trick is as follows:
  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart.
  • Spread your arms out in front of you, may be interconnected in front of your chest or straight ahead. Don't forget, tighten your abdominal muscles and take a deep breath.
  • Bend your legs and push your buttocks back as if you are about to sit, until your thighs and buttocks are knee-high. Keep your back and shoulders straight and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Hold this position briefly, then stand straight up again.
  • Repeat this movement 10-15 times in a few minutes.
Try this movement slowly. After mastering one type of variation, you can try other variations, such as squat jumps, squats with additional weights, and wall sits. Wall sits are similar to ordinary squats, but in this movement, the waist to the back stick to the wall. So, you like sitting leaning on a bench without legs.

2. Lunges

Similar to squats, lunges focus to tighten the buttocks, hips, and thigh muscles. This movement has many variations, and one of them is the following variation:
  • Stand straight with your legs open slightly wider than your shoulders, and tighten your stomach.
  • Bend the right leg while directing the body forward, in the same direction as the bent leg. Bend until the thighs and buttocks are parallel to the floor (like squats).
  • Hold this position for a few moments and return to stand up straight with your feet on your right foot. Then, do the same movement on the left leg.
  • Repeat right and left side lunges alternately 12-16 times in one session.

3. Go up and down stairs

Climbing stairs can help you burn about three times more calories than walking, so this movement is often done to burn overall body fat, including fat in the hips. Up and down stairs also help the hip and butt muscles firmer. You can start by warming up, then continue by going up and down stairs for 5 minutes.

4. Leg raise

Well, this one can be done while lying down, you know. Of the several ways to do leg raising, side-lying leg rise variations are called more useful for forming hips. The following is how to do it:
  • Lying sideways to the right (lower right body). The legs are straight.
  • Gently lift the left leg as high as you can. Keep your stomach and hips stable and both legs straight.
  • Hold this position for 2-5 seconds, then slowly lower your left leg into its original position.
  • Repeat this movement 10 times on each side of the body.
This movement will make the muscles of the thighs and hips become firmer and leaner.

5. HIIT training (high-intensity interval training)

HIIT training is a pause of intense (intense) cardio movement. So, when doing HIIT, combine the fast-paced movements with the slow-paced movements alternately. Movement on HIIT exercises can vary. To form a hip, you can try squat jump for 30-90 seconds, followed by a leisurely walk of the same duration, then back to squat jump. HIIT training can burn more fat and faster. Shrinking the hips is not an easy matter. Various exercises and movements to shrink the hips as described above must be done routinely. But keep in mind, that the movements above will not change the original shape of your body. If you just want to start exercising regularly and are still confused, don't hesitate to ask your doctor for advice. Especially if you have certain medical conditions.
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