Breast Milk Little Maybe Your Feelings Or Can Be Caused by the Following Factors

Have you ever worried about the reduced supply of breast milk? In some breastfeeding mothers, this anxiety turns out to be limited to feelings simply because the milk supply is not really reduced, but an adjustment occurs between the body of the mother with the baby's intake needs. Even so, in fact there are some busui that have decreased milk production. Various factors can cause this condition, starting from physical and psychological conditions, as well as the influence of technical breastfeeding. Therefore, first look at whether the condition of the reduced amount of breast milk that you experience is a medical nature or just a feeling.

What are the possibilities behind this condition?

Some possibilities that make Mother feel the supply of ASI decreased, including:
  • The breast feels soft or not full. In fact, this condition is a sign that you have made adjustments to your baby's intake needs.
  • The duration of breastfeeding becomes shorter. In fact, some babies learn to be more effective at breastfeeding so that they can fill their stomach faster.
  • Babies seem to want to suckle more than usual. In fact, your baby may be in the midst of a growth spurt, aka baby's rapid growth and height. In this case, do not be surprised if the baby needs more milk intake. This usually takes place temporarily and will stabilize when the milk supply increases according to the baby's needs.
  • Usually, Mother's bra will get wet or need a breast pad to absorb milk leakage, but this time the milk liquid stops seeping from the nipple when not breastfeeding. In fact, this is also a sign that you are adjusting your baby's breastfeeding pattern.
Meanwhile, the reduction in actual milk production can be seen from signs that the baby is not getting enough milk, such as:
  • Fussy when suckling, even though he was exposed to the breast.
  • Becomes uneasy between suckles.
  • Urinate less than 6-8 times in 24 hours.
  • Little or no weight gain at all.

Why the amount of milk production can be reduced?

If your baby is experiencing signs of not getting enough milk, your mother's milk production may be reduced. Mother can find out through factors that can affect the amount of milk production following.

    How often do you breastfeed and how well your breasts are emptied

    The more often you breastfeed and empty your breasts, the more milk you produce. This is because the prolactin hormone that regulates milk production is stimulated by breastfeeding.

    Consumption of certain herbs

    Some herbal ingredients, such as kelug (fenugreek), are believed to be used as breast milk booster, which is to help expedite and increase milk supply. But Mother needs to be careful because there are some other herbs that can actually reduce milk production if consumed in large quantities, such as peppermint, lemon balm, parsley, oregano, sage, and thyme. Don't panic, Mother can still cook by using these ingredients in small amounts.

    Side effects of colds and allergies

    Pseudoephedrine which is generally contained in various anti-allergic drugs or cold relievers can reduce milk production. So, an allergic mother may need to consider avoiding it in the first few weeks after giving birth.

    Psychological factors

    This condition can occur when Mother is agitated due to being separated from the baby. This feeling often arises when Mother returns to work in the office or is being treated in hospital.

    Contraception containing estrogen

    Some contraceptive methods or birth control can affect the amount of milk production, especially those containing the hormone estrogen. Meanwhile, the choice of hormonal birth control methods that are relatively safe for busui are those that only contain progestins, including implants, implants, or birth control pills containing only progestin or also known as mini pills.

    Low thyroid level (hypothyroidism)

    This condition can disrupt milk production as well. This is due to the role of the thyroid which also helps the performance of two main hormones of breast milk, namely the hormone prolactin and the hormone oxytocin. Even so, this statement still needs further investigation. But if Mother's milk production decreases, the first step that needs to be done is to check thyroid levels. Mothers need to be aware of this because as many as 4-9 percent of nursing mothers experience inflammation of the thyroid gland in the first year after giving birth.

    Postpartum hemorrhage

    This bleeding can inhibit the process of early breastfeeding. Traumatic childbirth and the burden on the mother's body during blood loss can inhibit lactogenesis or milk production.

    Technical problems with breastfeeding

    There are several habits and conditions related to triggering this problem. One of them is Mother's tendency to breastfeed on a scheduled basis rather than following the wishes of the Little One to ask for breastfeeding. In addition, if your baby falls asleep and is lazy to suckle, wake up gently to encourage her to suckle more often. Mothers who prefer to give baby pacifiers, pacifiers or often provide additional formula milk need to change this method because this habit can cut your baby's time to suckle directly from the breast every day. Mother's nipples are painful and breastfeeding so painful can lead to decreased milk production. Finally, note also not to introduce breastfeeding complementary foods too quickly to babies if the baby's age and tendencies are inadequate.
Busui need to look at whether the small amount of milk production is prejudice or is true that is indicated by the signs that the baby is not enough milk. If only Mother's feelings, try to be more relaxed and positive thinking so that the breastfeeding process can be smoother. Meanwhile, if you really have problems in breastfeeding, you can undergo a lactation management program to facilitate the breastfeeding process. Do not hesitate also to ask for help from midwives and pediatricians so that your child can still get the best nutrition, namely nutrition from breast milk.
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