Breast Milk Little Maybe Your Feelings Or Can Be Caused by the Following Factors
Have you ever worried about the reduced supply of breast milk? In some breastfeeding mothers, this anxiety turns out to be limited to feelings simply because the milk supply is not really reduced, but an adjustment occurs between the body of the mother with the baby's intake needs.
Even so, in fact there are some busui that have decreased milk production. Various factors can cause this condition, starting from physical and psychological conditions, as well as the influence of technical breastfeeding. Therefore, first look at whether the condition of the reduced amount of breast milk that you experience is a medical nature or just a feeling.
What are the possibilities behind this condition?
Some possibilities that make Mother feel the supply of ASI decreased, including:- The breast feels soft or not full. In fact, this condition is a sign that you have made adjustments to your baby's intake needs.
- The duration of breastfeeding becomes shorter. In fact, some babies learn to be more effective at breastfeeding so that they can fill their stomach faster.
- Babies seem to want to suckle more than usual. In fact, your baby may be in the midst of a growth spurt, aka baby's rapid growth and height. In this case, do not be surprised if the baby needs more milk intake. This usually takes place temporarily and will stabilize when the milk supply increases according to the baby's needs.
- Usually, Mother's bra will get wet or need a breast pad to absorb milk leakage, but this time the milk liquid stops seeping from the nipple when not breastfeeding. In fact, this is also a sign that you are adjusting your baby's breastfeeding pattern.
- Fussy when suckling, even though he was exposed to the breast.
- Becomes uneasy between suckles.
- Urinate less than 6-8 times in 24 hours.
- Little or no weight gain at all.