Following abstention hemorrhoid disease and steps that must be taken so that the disease heals quickly.
Hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids is a disease in which blood vessels around the anus or rectum (the end of the large intestine, before the anus) swell and become inflamed. The cause is not known with certainty, but may be related to increased pressure in the blood vessels in and around the anus.
Well, if you suffer from hemorrhoids, there are some restrictions on hemorrhoid disease and what things can be done to relieve hemorrhoid pain and speed healing.
Foods that contain little fiber can cause constipation to become hemorrhoids. So, limit these foods such as white bread, dairy products, meat, processed meat, processed carbohydrates, processed foods, frozen foods, and fast food. Also monitor the amount of salt that enters the body and avoid consuming alcoholic drinks, spicy foods, and citrus fruits.
There are foods that abstain from hemorrhoid disease, some are recommended. Hemorrhoid sufferers are advised to eat fiber-rich foods such as beans (black beans, red beans), avocados, whole grains, broccoli, bananas, apples, pears, and oatmeal. At breakfast or lunch, try consuming a mixture of one tablespoon of mineral oil with apple jam or yogurt so that the stool can come out more easily. But, don't keep doing this.
Do not delay bowel movements
When the stomach has struggled and the desire to expel the contents of the stomach appears, immediately go to the bathroom or toilet. Procrastinating or waiting until our work is finished is abstention hemorrhoid disease. Delaying bowel movements can worsen constipation and ultimately worsen hemorrhoids.
Lifting legs
If using the toilet seat, lift the foot slightly or set foot on a small bench. This position changes the position of the rectum, allowing feces to escape more easily.
Do not push
The next abstinence from hemorrhoid disease is straining. Straining puts more pressure on the blood vessels in the rectum, which is one of the most common causes of hemorrhoid. Not only straining when defecating, increased pressure on blood vessels can also be caused by lifting heavy objects, chronic coughing, or even pregnancy.
Do not linger in the bathroom
Do not bring books, cellphones, or tablets to the bathroom when defecating, because these objects can make us feel at home sitting on the toilet. The longer we hang out in the toilet, the greater the risk of blood pressure. The risk is even greater if we use the toilet seat.
In addition to avoiding hemorrhoidal abstinence and carrying out what can be done, do not forget to take hemorrhoid medication that has been prescribed from a doctor. With medical treatment and a few steps above, hemorrhoids can be cured.