Chiropractic Therapy for Back Pain

You may have heard of chiropractic. This is a procedure that can be effective for treating pain in the back area, precisely in the spine. In addition to these conditions, chiropractic may also be effective for treating neck pain and headaches. This method of treatment is carried out by a doctor or trained expert, called a chiropractor.

What Is the Chiropractic Procedure Like?

In undergoing a chiropractic procedure, a chiropractor will place emphasis on the spinal joints (spinal manipulation) using hands or special aids. The pressure must be controlled properly, for example, fast and slow and hard-soft, according to the needs of patients. Spinal manipulation is used as a way to restore reduced joint flexibility due to physical injury. For example, falling, sitting wrong, or repetitive physical movements. In essence, the goal of chiropractic is to relax the muscles and make the joints move well. Chiropractic is an alternative method or complementary treatment used to treat various types of diseases, such as neck pain and sports injuries. Although it has been taught in various universities and countries, studies on the effectiveness and safety of this method are still minimal, so it cannot support the claim that through chiropractic, the body can heal itself without having to be given medication or surgery. Before undergoing this method, the chiropractor will ask about your medical history. After that, the chiropractor will also check the condition of your body to see if there is an abnormal posture. This physical check can be an emphasis on a particular area, see how you walk, or it can also use the help of X-rays.

Is the Chiropractic Method Risky?

Basically chiropractic is safe to do, but with a note done by trained personnel and have a trusted license. However, there are some people who experience mild side effects for several days after undergoing chiropractic, such as fatigue, pain in the body part being treated, or headaches. Although it rarely happens, the possibility of serious complications can also happen to you. These complications include:
  • Spinal injury.
  • A herniated disk occurs, which is a condition where one of the nerve cushions between your spine is out of place. This condition is also called a pinched nerve.
  • After undergoing actions on the neck, maybe you can experience a stroke due to disruption of blood vessels in the spine. But this risk is rare.
Not everyone can undergo chiropractic. There are several conditions that are not recommended for this treatment, namely if you often experience numbness, tingling, or loss of strength in the arms or legs, severe osteoporosis, cancer of the spine, and there is a high risk for stroke. Although it has been declared effective in treating lower back pain, and may be effective in treating neck pain and headaches, this method does not always show positive results for everyone. All depends on the individual conditions of each. If the pain has not improved after undergoing chiropractic for several weeks, it could be a sign that this treatment is not suitable for you. Before undergoing chiropractic, it is advisable to consult a doctor first. Always check the background and competency certificates held by the health service provider to make sure you are handled by experts.
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