Don't Always Lose by Hunger

Hunger must be experienced by everyone. Hunger sensation is the body's natural alarm to let you know that you need food. But before you eat, first understand whether you are really hungry or not. The sensation of hunger can be recognized from the stomach growling, thinking of food, lack of concentration, to irritability. Usually 3-4 hours after eating, our bodies can feel hungry again, and hunger will increase with increasing time.

Hunger Scale

Have you ever felt hungry again after just eating a meal? Or feel hungry after seeing food photos? The hunger scale can help distinguish whether you are hungry because of actual hunger (physical hunger) or psychological hunger. Psychological hunger is the desire to eat that is caused by certain emotions, such as feeling sad, bored, stressed, or because of seeing food photos or smelling interesting food aromas. Hunger scales from 1 (hunger) to 10 (very good) are used to describe hunger levels. The following explanation:
  • Starving

  • Characterized by dizziness, headaches, unable to concentrate, problems with body coordination, and loss of energy to have to lie down. This can happen when someone goes on a very strict diet.
  • Very hungry

  • Accompanied by feelings of irritability and irritability, little energy, stomach growling, may feel nauseous.
  • Pretty hungry

  • Feel a strong urge to eat, and the stomach feels empty.
  • Start feeling a little hungry

  • Start thinking about food, the body signals to eat.
  • Not full, but also not hungry

  • The body has enough fuel alias allergic, and feel comfortable both physically and psychologically.
  • Full

  • In this condition, the body is at full comfort level.
  • Stomach is a little uncomfortable

  • Actually there is no room for food anymore. The body says "no" to food, but the mind says "yes". Sometimes stuck in the term "pity if thrown".
  • Full

  • On this hunger scale, your stomach has started to hurt due to satiety.
  • Discomfort makes the body tired

  • Stomach aches, very uncomfortable, and so. The body also feels heavy and tired.
  • It's so bad that I'm fed up with food

  • he was so full that he didn't want to or couldn't move, and felt like he didn't want to see food anymore.

Differentiating Physical and Psychological Hunger

Not everyone feels hungry only when their stomach is empty. Here are the differences between physical and psychological hunger:
  • Physical hunger

  • Hunger appears gradually, stomach growling, occurs a few hours after eating, stops after being full, and feels satisfied when finished eating.
  • Psychologically hungry

  • Hunger comes on suddenly, has nothing to do with the last meal, is hungry or wants to eat something specifically, keeps eating even though it feels full, and feels embarrassed or guilty after eating.
If the desire to eat often arises, ask yourself a few questions:
  • Are you really hungry?
  • What is the reason you want to eat? When was the last time you ate? Because if it turns out it's still less than 2-3 hours ago, then it's not really hungry.
  • Does eating a nutritious snack that is rich in fiber can reduce hunger until the next meal?
  • Can you drink a glass of water and wait for 20 minutes? The nerves in the stomach send signals to the brain that you are full, but it can take up to 20 minutes.

When to Eat and When to Stop

If you are confused when a good time to eat and stop, hunger scale can help you pay more attention to the signals given by the body. By knowing your hunger scale and applying it slowly, you will eventually get used to managing your hunger. You also will not feel begah or satiety, making it difficult for you to move. To overcome hunger that you often experience, schedule large meals and snacking time. Divide your meal portions, then eat every 3 or 4 hours with small portions. Do not let you overeat when hungry, because eating too much can trigger excess weight. In addition, stay away from foods that do not make you full longer, such as fast food (junk food) and junk food. Although it contains a lot of fat, fast food does not make you full longer like fibrous food. If your hunger is difficult to stop, or to cause health problems due to excess weight, you should consult a doctor to get further examination and treatment.
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