Effective and safe choice for hemorrhoids ointment

Hemorrhoids make your comfort disturbed? No need to worry, because there are many hemorrhoids ointments that can relieve symptoms. There are ointments to treat hemorrhoids that are sold freely, but there are also those that must be purchased with a doctor's prescription. Hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids are lumps that appear in or around the anus. This condition is generally harmless and can heal on its own in a few days. However, hemorrhoids often cause pain and itching, so even sitting feels uncomfortable. Some people who have hemorrhoids can also experience complaints of anal bleeding. Now, to overcome various complaints due to hemorrhoids, drugs can be used, one of which is hemorrhoids ointment.

Various Types of Hemorrhoids Ointments Commonly Used

There are various hemorrhoids ointment products that are sold freely in pharmacies and drug stores. However, make sure you read the information contained on the packaging label first before buying it. The label usually lists the composition of the drug used, possible side effects, dosage, and how to use it. The following are some of the drugs in hemorrhoids that are effective for reducing hemorrhoid complaints:

1. Policresulent

Policresulent is an acidic compound that is able to stop bleeding and inhibit bacterial growth. This content is also widely used to treat hemorrhoids. How to use this hemorrhoids ointment is a thin smear on the anal area affected by hemorrhoids 2-3 times a day. Remember, the use of this ointment must be according to doctor's instructions. The side effects that may appear are generally relatively mild, namely itching or painful sensation at the beginning of use. These side effects will usually disappear if treatment is stopped.

2. Lidocaine

Lidocaine is an anesthetic that is widely used as a local anesthetic. In addition to providing local anesthetic effects, lidocaine can also be used as a treatment for hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids ointment containing lidocaine works to stop the itching and pain caused by hemorrhoids. This type of hemorrhoid medication must be used according to doctor's instructions, because excessive and improper use can be dangerous. However, side effects that appear are generally mild, such as irritation or temporary numbness in the anal area that is smeared. However, please be careful and consult a doctor before using this drug if you suffer from allergies to the drug content, suffer from liver disease, or are undergoing treatment for heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmias).

3. Phenylephrine rectal

Phenylephrine rectal in hemorrhoids ointments can relieve swelling of blood vessels around the anus that causes hemorrhoids. In addition to reducing swelling, this drug can also relieve itching, pain, and irritation in the anus. To use an ointment containing this medicine, first clean the anus with a clean cloth. After that, gently apply the phenylephrine hemorrhoids ointment to the swollen anus area. Use this hemorrhoids ointment 3-4 times a day, but avoid using this ointment for more than 7 days. This drug is not suitable for use in children under 2 years. For those of you who have heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and thyroid disorders, it is advisable to consult a doctor first before using this ointment. Stop using it immediately and go to the doctor immediately if side effects appear, such as severe irritation, bleeding from the rectum, headaches, blurred vision or buzzing ears. Handling needs to be done immediately to prevent symptoms from getting worse.

4. Hydrocortisone

This drug is a type of topical corticosteroid that is usually sold freely. Hydrocortisone can reduce pain, itching, and swelling in the anus due to hemorrhoids. Follow the method on the medicine packaging and make it a habit to wash your hands before and after using them. After using this ointment, try not to defecate for at least 1-3 hours so the medicine can work effectively. Consult with your doctor about using this ointment if you have a fever or have a history of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, and infections, such as tuberculosis.

5. A combination ointment

Combination hemorrhoids ointment contains a mixture of various substances or ingredients that are believed to relieve swelling, irritation, or inflammation of the anus due to hemorrhoids. Some substances that are generally contained in this combination hemorrhoids ointment are:
  • Zinc oxide.
  • Bismuth oxide.
  • Bismuth subgallate.
  • Petroleum jelly.
  • The content of certain herbs, such as witch hazel, aloe vera, and Peruvian balm.
These combination ointments can generally be obtained without a doctor's prescription. However, this combination ointment is not suitable for use by hemorrhoids patients under the age of 18 years, there is blood in the stool, and is allergic to one of the ingredients contained in this drug. In addition to applying hemorrhoids ointment, the symptoms of hemorrhoids can also be relieved by several other ways, such as:
  • Eat foods rich in fiber.
  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Avoid the habit of straining during bowel movements.
  • Give a cold compress to the anus who has hemorrhoids for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day. This step aims to relieve pain and swelling in the anus.
To be more safe and effective, hemorrhoids ointment must be used according to doctor's instructions or instructions contained on the packaging label. If hemorrhoids do not improve after the use of hemorrhoids ointment or even get worse, you should consult with a doctor to undergo further hemorrhoids examination and treatment.
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