Effective Ways Calming Your Baby to Cry

Crying baby is a natural thing. However, it is not uncommon for babies to cry long enough to make you worry as a parent. Many reasons for babies crying, including hunger, fatigue, wet diapers, cold or heat, boredom and others. Babies can also cry at any time and usually more often in the middle of the night which is actually bedtime. According to one expert, newborn babies often cry because of difficulty adapting to life outside the womb. There is also the emergence of hunger and gas accumulation in the stomach which is a new thing experienced by babies. That's why creating an environment that resembles the condition of the uterus, is considered effective in calming crying and fussy babies. Sometimes medical conditions can also cause babies to cry so need to be examined by a doctor. If the baby cries more than three hours for three days or more, in one week, it can be suspected that colic causes the baby to cry. However, in most cases there is usually no medical cause for a crying baby. This is considered to be just the way they communicate and is a normal part of a baby's development and growth.

Resembles Conditions in the Womb

How to calm a baby, especially up to three months, can be by creating an environment and atmosphere that resembles conditions in the womb. The following steps can be done:

    The first step

    Swaddling a baby. Can be done with swaddling cloths or blankets wrapped around the baby's body to resemble the sleeping position when in the womb. In addition, there is also a special jacket that can wrap the baby's entire body such as swaddling. Swaddling a newborn baby can be done around 12-20 hours. Don't worry, the baby will feel comfortable in swaddling cloths. In addition, there is also a special jacket that can wrap the baby's entire body such as swaddling.

    Second step

    Tilt the baby's body. The tilted position is most often felt by the baby in the womb. This position is believed to reduce the sensation of the Moro reflex which often makes babies surprised, while making it calmer.

    Third step

    Whisper a hissing sound h ssshhhh ’to the baby. The sound turned out to be similar to the sound of blood flowing around the uterus. In addition, these sounds can be heard while in the car, the sound of a washing machine, or the sound of a hair dryer. In addition to holding, you can use a special swing baby. The tip is to move the swing a little tighter when the baby is nervous.
To make the baby easier to calm, give him a pacifier or pacifier. Although for some babies, breastfeeding directly on the mother's breast is the most effective way to calm her.

Introducing Sleep Patterns

Do not worry if during the first few months, your baby often cries at night so that sleep patterns become difficult to predict. Starting at the age of four months, babies can be introduced to sleep patterns on a more regular schedule. Some experts even mention, the introduction of sleep patterns can begin when the baby is around two months old. For example when a baby looks sleepy during the day, immediately take to bed and sing a lullaby. This can make the baby understand sleep time markers. The bedtime routine at night can be felt longer. For example, cleaning the body, changing diapers, and changing nightgowns. Parents can also read stories or sing lullabies. Just make sure the baby is laid in his bed so that he becomes accustomed to sleeping there. However, sleeping routine is also important even if the baby is not at home. It can actually reduce the fussiness of babies in an unfamiliar environment. Stay calm and avoid panic when your baby cries. Never shake the baby to silence it because it can cause brain injury and disability. Perform the steps above as a way to calm your baby, while taking advantage of introducing baby sleep patterns as early as possible. Feel free to discuss with your doctor if the following things occur:
  • Babies refuse to breastfeed or breastfeed less than usual
  • Any method does not reduce the crying baby
  • You want to make sure there are no medical conditions that cause babies to cry
  • If you feel your baby's crying has an impact on your relationship with your partner
  • If you are worried for one thing or another.
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