Eye Bag Surgery, Preparation, Process, and Recovery

Eye bag surgery can be done if you want to remove eye bags and wrinkles around the eyes. However, before deciding to undergo eye bag surgery, find out first how the procedure, preparation, until recovery, and how much it costs. Eye bags are a condition when the lower eyelid swells, sags, and looks swollen. These eye bags can form due to accumulation of fat or fluid in the eyelids, so the eyes look a bit swollen. This is caused by the weakening of the tissues and muscles around the eyes. The main trigger is the aging factor, but it could also be due to heredity, smoking habits, allergies, lack of sleep, or frequent consumption of salty foods. There are many ways to remove eye bags. The easiest and cheapest is a simple treatment that can be done at home, such as eye compresses and enough sleep. But if the eye bags are too large, interfere with appearance, or obstruct the view, eye bags surgery can be the solution. That is, if you are ready to pay more.

Regarding Eye Bag Operation Information

In the medical world, eye bag or eyelid surgery is called blepharoplasty. This plastic surgical procedure aims to improve the shape and structure of the lower or upper eyelid. The result, eyes that were swollen and look loose will look firmer. Interested in undergoing eye bag surgery? Here are some things you need to know:

1. Eye bag surgery costs

The cost to perform eyelid surgery varies, depending on the hospital that is doing it. In some hospitals in Indonesia, the cost of this procedure ranges from 12 million to more than 25 million rupiah.

2. Preparation before eye bag surgery

Before undergoing eye bag surgery, there are several things you need to prepare, namely:
  • Choose a plastic surgeon specialist who is experienced in performing blepharoplasty surgery procedures.
  • Maintain a healthy body condition overall.
  • Maintain the tissues and muscles around the eyes in good condition, and ensure there are no serious conditions in the eye.
  • Do not smoke for at least 3-4 weeks before surgery.
  • Stop taking certain medications, such as blood-thinning medications or certain herbal supplements, before you want to undergo eye bag surgery.
  • Make a vacation plan for several days because you have to rest after surgery.
Before performing surgery, you will usually need a consultation session to the doctor to determine whether you need to undergo eye bag surgery and when the operation can be done. During the examination, the doctor will usually ask a number of things, including information about the history of the disease and the medication being consumed and the reason why you want to undergo eye bag surgery. After that, the doctor will conduct a thorough physical examination, including an eye examination by an ophthalmologist. When consulting, make sure you understand the information clearly and in detail about the benefits and risks of the side effects of surgery to be performed by a doctor. Similarly, some instructions that need to be done before and after surgery.

3. Eye bag surgery procedures

After the surgery schedule is determined, you will be notified by the doctor when you need to go to the hospital and whether you need to stay at the hospital. The eye bag surgery procedures, namely:
  • You will be asked to come to the hospital to undergo surgery preparation.
  • Before the surgery begins, the doctor will give anesthesia or local anesthesia around the eye.
  • After the anesthesia starts working, the doctor will then make an incision right under the eyelashes or on the inside of the lower eyelid.
  • Excess skin and fat on the eyelids are cut and removed.
  • After the surgery is complete, the surgical wound will be sutured. The stitches will usually open a week later.
The estimated time required for eye bags surgery is around 1-2 hours. Usually patients will be allowed to go home the same day. However, it is sometimes possible to perform eye bags surgery with general anesthesia. If done with general anesthesia, recovery time and observation in hospital may be longer than eye bags surgery using local anesthesia in the eye.

4. Recovery and postoperative care

To help the recovery process after eye bags, there are a number of things you must do, namely:
  • Supporting or raising your head with a pillow while sleeping for several days.
  • Clean the eyelids slowly and use ointments or eye drops that have been prescribed by the doctor.
  • Compress the eye with a cold compress to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Wear sunglasses to protect eyes from the sun and wind.
  • Taking pain relievers to ease pain. Doctors can give pain relievers, such as ketorolac, ibuprofen, and celecoxib.
  • Not doing strenuous activities and swimming for several days.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Do not use contact lenses or rub the eyes.
The final results of surgery will usually be seen within a few weeks after surgery. But remember, the incision used in surgery takes at least a year to fully recover. You should also see the surgeon again for further post-operative periodic examinations. Generally, eye bags surgery does not need to be repeated. Nevertheless, your eyes will continue to age over time and maybe the eye bags will be re-visible.

5. Complications of eye bag surgery

After eye bag surgery, there may be various complaints around the eyes. This common condition will usually recover within 2 weeks. Some of the complaints are:
  • Mild pain in the eyelids.
  • Bruising and swelling around the eyes.
  • Numbness around the eyes.
  • The eyes feel dry or even runny.
  • The view looks blurry or shaded.
  • Eye irritation.
  • The eyes become more sensitive to light.
However, immediately go to the doctor if after undergoing eye bag surgery you experience the following complications:
  • Blurred or double vision.
  • The eyes look asymmetrical.
  • There are blood clots under the skin of the eyes.
  • Scarring or keloids appear.
  • The muscles of the eye are injured, the sign is if the eyelid is difficult to open or close.
  • The eyelids fold outward, so that there is a cavity between the eye and the eyelid (ectropion).
  • Excessive bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Reactions to anesthetics, for example dizziness, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, and severe headaches that do not go away after surgery.
Because eye bags surgery requires a lot of money and has some risks and complications, you can consider other treatment options to disguise eye bags. The treatment can be in the form of laser eyelid skin treatment, chemical peels, or fillers. You can get information about this treatment by consulting an eye doctor.
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