Facts Behind the Benefits of Soursop Leaves for Cancer

Soursop leaves are believed to be able to overcome various diseases. One of them is cancer. The benefits of soursop leaves for cancer "he said" thanks to the content of certain compounds in these leaves that can prevent the growth of cancer cells. Is that right? Soursop tree is a plant native to the tropics in North and South America. Many people use soursop leaves to be made into drinks or teas that are believed to prevent and cure cancer. However, before you use it as an herbal treatment, especially for cancer, know the facts about soursop leaves below.

Effectiveness of Soursop Leaves for Cancer

The emergence of confidence in the benefits of soursop leaves for cancer is associated with the content of the compound Aconogenins annonaceous in it. Based on a number of laboratory studies, this compound is believed to be able to prevent the growth of various types of cancer cells. Although there have been studies showing the benefits of soursop leaves for cancer, the pros and cons related to its effectiveness are still rolling. The reason is, several studies give different results. Some indicate that soursop leaves are effective in killing cancer cells, others show the opposite.

How to Utilize Soursop Leaves for Cancer

Although the benefits of soursop leaves for cancer can not be medically needed, there are still quite a lot of people who use these leaves for cancer treatment. Some drink boiled water, make it into tea, or even consume it in supplement form. But before you use soursop leaves as a cancer treatment, you should consult with your doctor first, because soursop leaves or other herbal medicines may interact with drugs given by doctors. In addition, there are some conditions that are not recommended for consuming soursop leaves as an herbal treatment, namely:
  • Are taking high blood pressure medication.
  • Are taking diabetes medications.
  • Suffering from liver or kidney disorders.
  • Having a low platelet count.
So remember, if you want to use soursop leaves as an alternative medicine for cancer, consult first with your doctor. Because the improper use of soursop leaves can reduce the effectiveness of the drugs you consume or actually endanger health, for example causing liver and kidney damage.
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