Often holding a baby makes spoiled, Turns Myth

Parents may be familiar with the notion that holding a baby often can make it spoiled. In Indonesia, a term that is often used by people is the smell of hands. According to child development experts, this assumption is not true and is a myth. Parents may hold or hug the baby as often as possible. Babies need attention through direct touch, as do other basic needs to be able to develop properly.

Provide a sense of security

Baby's brain is not the same as adults and children who are older so it is impossible to spoil it. Newborns will often cry. That is the baby's way of telling him that he feels hungry, lonely, tired, uncomfortable or other. Babies need hugs to calm them down. Research shows that babies who are physically brought closer to parents or caregivers have better brain development, body temperature, and weight gain. Talking while holding a baby is the basis for developing the baby's ability to speak. Carrying a baby can also strengthen the relationship between the baby and the parent, while supporting the interaction between the two. Unlike the bonding situation of a mother who is pregnant and has an early relationship with the baby, a father is advised to increase the amount of time to hold the baby to establish a closer relationship. Especially for premature babies, there is a method of kangaroo care that requires parents to hug the baby as often as possible. The method has been proven to warm the baby's body, reduce crying, stabilize breathing and heart rate, and support weight, and overall growth. One expert said, actually the same treatment is also needed by normal babies. Babies need the warmth of a parent's hug to be able to feel safe and comfortable. Based on some research also, babies whose needs are quickly met will make themselves more confident and not whiny when they are older.

Starts to Limit After Six Months of Age

Babies will cry when they want or need something, but they do not understand the concept of manipulation. Usually after the age of six months, a new baby can begin to understand the surrounding environment. The part of the brain that regulates new habits begins to connect at this age. This is when new parents can begin to limit. From the age of six months, babies begin to be able to read expressions and learn actions in different situations. Parents need to act calmly and let the baby explore during these times. In addition, babies are better able to develop their own abilities. However, one expert said, a new baby can show that he wants something by crying after the age of nine months. At this time, parents should be able to begin to sort out reactions to the crying baby. Do not just believe the myth, especially if it turns out it can interfere with your baby's growth and development. So enjoy the time to hold a baby as often as possible the first months of age without worrying too much. If in doubt, consult the matter with the relevant experts.
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