Pregnant And Breastfeeding Mothers Need To Perform The Following Breast Care

The breast is like a liaison between Mother and baby, both in order to meet the needs of Mother's Milk for your child and build emotional ties. So that the breastfeeding process runs smoothly, Arm your mother's knowledge about breast care. It is not impossible that challenges arise when breastfeeding, starting from looking for a comfortable and correct nursing position to various problems that can occur in the breast. These problems can include sore or chapped nipples, blockage of the milk ducts, breast swelling, or breast infection. Mother can also feel discomfort in the breast since the period of pregnancy. Here are some breast care steps you can do.

Care in Pregnancy

Breasts begin to swell and become denser since the first trimester and will feel enlarged and heavy in the next trimester. To feel comfortable, follow these tips.
  • Do not wash the area around the nipple using soap because it can make the skin in the area dry. Just clean it with warm water.
  • Use a bra that is able to support the back and sides of the body optimally during the day and prioritize those made from cotton. While for the night, use a special sleep bra that is light and soft so that sleep feels comfortable.
  • If the breast feels itchy, avoid a hot shower. Do not forget to apply moisturizer on itchy breasts after bathing while the skin still feels moist.

Care in the Breastfeeding Period

Caring for breasts during the period of breastfeeding can prevent and manage the risk of the presence of breast problems so that the moment of breastfeeding becomes more enjoyable. Here are some maintenance steps that can be done.
  • To facilitate the milk ducts, gently massage the breasts and squeeze if there are lumps due to blocked milk ducts. If not massaged and squeezed, this lump can cause pain. This condition can occur if you do not completely empty the breast when breastfeeding.
  • Avoid wearing bras that are too tight, bra bras, or tight tops.
  • If your breast feels painful, swollen, and reddened with the flu, then give a warm compress to the breast. Mother may experience mastitis, which is a breast infection due to blocked milk ducts. Also consult a doctor. Your doctor may give antibiotics to treat mastitis, and ibuprofen to relieve pain and swelling. Continue to breastfeed your baby so that the milk ducts don't get clogged. If in doubt, you can ask this to the relevant expert.
  • If only the swelling due to the breasts are too full, for example due to the mother passing the breastfeeding schedule, the breast can be cold compressed. Swelling of the breasts can make your child difficult to breastfeed. However, don't give up. If this happens, milk a small amount of milk and then try to nurse the baby as usual. Continue to breastfeed the baby, even more often.
  • If the nipples feel pain due to poor attachment, do this treatment:
  • Warm compresses to relieve pain.
  • Dry the nipples before returning to dress.
  • Wipe the sore nipple using a drop or two of your mother's breast milk after breastfeeding.
  • Routinely replace the breast pad.
  • Use a breastfeeding bra. Choose cotton and no wire.
To avoid breastfeeding problems, it's a good idea to breastfeed your baby regularly and regularly, which is about 8-12 times a day. Do not hesitate to consult with a doctor or lactation consultant, especially if you have a fever, chills, body aches and has no strength, breast swelling and does not improve within 24 hours, pain during breastfeeding, red breast, swollen, hard pain, and feels warm or hot, or if the nipple chapped or bleeding. Learn how to breastfeed properly and breastfeed in a comfortable position to prevent these conditions.
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