Pregnant Women, Only You Who Feel These 7 Enjoyments

Pregnant or pregnant women, may be familiar with distress and discomfort. Starting from nausea and vomiting, heartburn, fatigue, leg cramps, stretch marks, and a series of other disorders. However, pregnancy also brings its own pleasure and health benefits for you, you know! Therefore, do not be discouraged and discouraged. Right now you do endure all the distasteful feelings typical of pregnancy, but later you will look at a pair of tiny eyes that sparkle beautifully from your baby. Instead of complaining about the situation, try to be more grateful for your pregnancy and all the favors that are only felt by pregnant women. Here are some of the pleasures of being a pregnant woman that you should be grateful for.
  • The more beloved husband

  • Believe it or not, your husband may love your physical form. Men have a tendency to see soft curves of pregnant women and full breasts. This sight constantly reminded him of his manhood. Not only admire your body while pregnant, your husband also becomes more considerate and succumbs with you. No wonder now your husband is willing to massage your feet, kiss your stomach or even go in the middle of the night just to buy your dream snack. Enjoy these times.
  • All Attention Is Taken To You

  • Pregnant woman, do you realize that you are like a celebrity? Not just getting attention from your husband, you often become the center of attention of many people. Those who look at your protruding belly can not help smiling, as if you have made their day brighter. Seeing a pregnant belly often invites people to do good. Supermarket workers suddenly volunteered to open your car door. Strangers want to hold the door open for you or help you cross the road. Pregnant women also usually do not need to queue to use public toilets.
  • Sex Becomes More Enjoyable

  • Be thankful because pregnant women are more likely to get a climax alias orgasm during sex with a husband. In fact, some women only experience orgasm for the first time when they are pregnant, especially in middle age. This is due to an increase in blood flow to the pelvic area during the second trimester of pregnancy. If you feel the passionate sex drive during pregnancy, do not hesitate to complete it. During your pregnancy is not high risk, no need to fear the fetus will be hurt if you have sex. If you are still in doubt, consult your obstetrician. However, there are types of pregnant women who do not feel sex drive or do not even want to be close to her husband. This can be caused by various factors, such as fatigue and body weight during pregnancy. If you belong to this type, try to create intimacy with your husband through other activities. You can ask him to comb your hair, rub your back or shoulders, or massage your feet.
  • Radiating Confidence

  • Pregnancy can build unique confidence. Some women find their body image actually improves with pregnancy. What's more, during the second trimester pregnant women may receive beautiful packages of pregnancy, which are bigger breasts, long and strong nails and healthier and thicker hair. You may also feel the glow of pregnancy or pregnancy glow which makes the skin appear brighter. The reason is due to pregnancy hormones and increased blood volume to the skin. Pregnant woman, radiate your beautiful charm with confidence!
  • Familiar with Healthy Lifestyle

  • When pregnant, we tend to be more selective about what will be consumed. We become more careful in reading food packaging labels, and eating healthier foods and drinking more water. Because accustomed, we begin to leave bad habits and change them to healthy lifestyles. Pregnancy can be a great motivation for healthy living.
  • Pain free Menstruation

  • After giving birth and breastfeeding, you may feel a reduction in cramping pain during menstruation. In fact, menstrual pain can actually disappear in some women. This is a well-known phenomenon, but until now the cause has not been established.
  • Reducing the Risk of Cancer

  • A study reports that pregnancy can be an effective protector against breast cancer and ovarian or ovarian cancer. In addition, several other studies have found that breastfeeding for more than three months can also reduce the risk of several types of cancer, especially breast cancer.
Pregnant woman, let's always think positively to face all the challenges and complaints during pregnancy, until later it will be a happy time to meet the Little One.
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