There are types of family planning that make you fat, myth or fact

Because there is an assumption that there are types of birth control that make fat, many women become confused or hesitant in choosing a suitable birth control method. However, whether the assumption is true or just a myth? Contraception is divided into two, namely hormonal contraceptives which include birth control pills, birth control injections, implants or implants, and patches; and non-hormonal contraceptives in the form of condoms, natural birth control, or solid birth control (sterilization). Although different ways of working and their use, both types of contraception still have the same function, namely to prevent pregnancy. Although quite effective and safe to use, many women are reluctant to choose hormonal contraception because this type of contraception is considered to cause body fat.

Really KB Hormonal Can Make Fat?

Hormonal birth control is a type of birth control that contains a combination of artificial hormones, such as progesterone and estrogen. However, there are also certain hormonal birth control that only contains the hormone progesterone. Hormonal birth control can indeed cause a slight increase in body weight, but not to make the body obese. This weight gain is caused by the hormonal content in hormonal birth control that can increase appetite and cause a buildup of fluid in the body. However, this usually only occurs at the beginning of use and weight will return to normal after 2-3 months of use. Please note that obesity or weight gain can be caused by many things, including:
  • Unhealthy eating patterns.
  • Rarely exercise.
  • Genetic or hereditary factors.
  • Excessive stress.
  • Drug side effects.
  • Certain diseases, such as hypothyroidism and PCOS.

Type of Hormonal KB that Said to Make Fat

The form and method of using hormonal birth control varies. The following are three forms of hormonal birth control that are widely regarded as the type of birth control that makes you fat:

Family planning pills

Birth control pills are a type of contraception in the form of tablets that contain the hormones estrogen and progesterone or only progesterone. Birth control pills generally consist of 21-35 tablets taken in one cycle and continuously. Special birth control pills that only contain progesterone usually consist of 28 tablets. If used correctly and routinely, birth control pills are effective enough to prevent pregnancy, with a 91% success rate. Some women using birth control pills can indeed experience weight gain. However, the increase is somewhat insignificant, so it cannot be said to be the cause of obesity. After the body is accustomed to birth control pills, weight can return to normal.

KB implant or implant

Implant or implant KB is a type of KB shaped rod or small tube that is implanted or installed under the skin, precisely in the upper arm fat tissue. This KB contains the hormone progesterone which is released little by little from the implant tube into the body. This KB can last for 3-5 years. Compared to birth control pills, implant birth control is considered more effective in preventing pregnancy, with a success rate of 99%. Some women who use implant birth control do increase in body weight, but there is no research that concludes that the increase in body weight is caused by the use of implant KB. The dose of hormones released by implant KB is also very small and slow, making it less likely to cause weight gain.

Contraceptive injection

Injectable birth control is a contraceptive with the content of the hormone progestin which is used by injecting body muscles in certain parts, such as the buttocks, thighs, or arms. These KB injections are usually given every 3 months. The effectiveness of injecting birth control in delaying pregnancy is 94%. Weight gain caused by contraception is due to an increase in fat tissue mass. However, this is only temporary. So far, there has been no research that can prove that injectable birth control can cause weight gain in women to cause obesity or obesity.

Facts about the type of birth control that makes you fat

Although many claims that hormonal birth control is a FP that makes fat, but in fact, these claims have not been proven scientifically. If anything, weight gain is only temporary. Therefore, before deciding not to use hormonal birth control or want to move to another type of birth control, try waiting until 3 months after use. Gradually, these effects will disappear and weight will return to normal. To achieve ideal body weight, do not forget to also apply a healthy and nutritiously balanced diet, be diligent in exercising, and avoid excessive stress. If you are still unsure about choosing the type of contraception, consult your doctor to find out what type of birth control is most suitable and safe for you to use.
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