Various Fracture Medication that You Need to Take

After the main treatment is done, the doctor will prescribe a fracture medicine to help the recovery process. The administration of this drug aims to relieve pain, help connect bones, and prevent infection if broken bone penetrates the skin. A broken bone is a condition that can occur when a bone has been seriously injured, so that the bone structure is not strong enough to withstand the impact caused by the injury. There are several things that can cause fractures. For example, when falling from a high place, having a traffic accident, injury while exercising, or when a bone is hit by a hard object. Apart from physical injuries, fractures can also be caused by medical conditions that make bones become weak and porous, such as osteoporosis. This condition is characterized by decreased bone density, so bones break easily. Broken bones can be experienced by anyone and occur in any part of the bone. When you have a broken bone, the broken part of the bone will feel very painful (especially when moved), swelling in the injured area, bruising, to difficulty moving. When you have an injury that causes a broken bone, immediately go to the doctor to get further examination and treatment. Broken bones are generally treated by orthopedic doctors. If the fracture is handled too late or the handling is not right, it can increase the risk of bone deformities.

Variety of Medication for Broken Bones That Can Be Used

Handling of fractures is adjusted to the type and location of the fracture that is experienced. The initial treatment for fractures is to return the broken bone to its proper position. The doctor can do this process manually (for example by immobilization techniques using bandages and casts) or by surgery. If the fracture is severe, or if there is an open fracture, the doctor will attach a tool to the bone in the form of plates, screws, or special rods to unite and align the bones. After the bones are aligned, the doctor will attach a splint or cast so the bones do not move. The length of time it takes for bones to reunite is around 6 weeks or more. During that time, the doctor will prescribe medication to help the recovery process. The following are some fracture medications that can be given by doctors:

1. Pain relief

The type of painkillers (analgesics) that doctors usually give are strong analgesics, such as morphine, fentanyl, tramadol, or ketorolac. This is because pain in fractures is usually felt quite heavy. But for fractures whose pain is not too severe, mild analgesics can be used, such as ibuprofen and and paracetamol.

2. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)

Anti-inflammatory drugs of NSAIDs prescribed by doctors can be in the form of ibuprofen, meloxicam, cataflam, and celecoxib. Similar to analgesics, NSAIDs are also used to relieve pain. Not only that, this drug also works to reduce inflammation. However, the use of this drug must be in accordance with doctor's recommendations and prescriptions. Because, some studies state that the use of NSAIDs is associated with disruption or slowing down the process of bone recovery.

3. Antibiotics

Antibiotics are usually given to fracture patients who undergo surgery or have open fractures. This aims to prevent infection in wounds or surgical incisions. Antibiotics are also usually given to prevent or treat osteomyelitis due to bone.

4. Tetanus vaccine

When you have an open fracture, the injured part will also get injured. This wound makes germs at risk of entering and causing infection. One infection that needs to be watched out for is tetanus infection. Therefore, your doctor may give a tetanus vaccine to people with broken bones, especially open fractures. During recovery, patients are also advised to eat foods rich in protein, calcium, and vitamin D. The intake of these nutrients plays an important role in helping bones to re-connect and form bone strength. When you have a broken bone, it is not advisable to massage or divide a broken bone with certain herbs or herbs, because this action risks causing complications that can hamper healing. After the bones begin to heal, the doctor may also encourage the patient to undergo physical rehabilitation or physiotherapy. In the rehabilitation process, doctors and therapists will help the patient to train the injured bones and muscles to be able to move back to normal as before. In addition, the doctor will also explain what efforts you can do to maintain bone health. One way is to undergo regular bone health checks. In addition to checking the development of the condition of the broken bone, the examination is also intended so that treatment can be done immediately if another bone problem is detected.
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